Slovak Christmas Carols and Songs. Slovak carols lyrics are very similar to the Polish and Czech. To a large extent it is the same carols, which over the centuries mixed with each other and have been translated into Slavic languages. Slovaks also sing songs translated from English the most popular Christmas songs like Jingle Bells. Christmas carols are sung practically only in a Christian famulies, but it is not very popular. Christmas songs are present from the of the Christmas time, on television and in stores.
Playlist of Slovak Christmas Songs and Carols
Christmas in Slovakia
On a table should not be missing nuts. Everyone chooses one – if you hit the good, it will have good luck throughout the year. Another christmas custom practiced in Slovakia is cutting an apple in half – if it is healthy, with all the seeds, you will meet all household members at the table in next year. Mandatory Christmas Eve dish is “kapustnica“, or sauerkraut soup with mushrooms, without meat or sausage.
Wishes for Christmas in Slovak:
– Veselé Vianoce a všetko najlepšie. – Merry Christmas and all the best!
– Všetkým vám želám veselé Vianoce a úspešný nový rok 2015. – I wish you a Merry Christmas and a successful entry in 2015 years.
Go back to Christmas Songs:
Below is a list of the most popular Christmas songs in the Slovak language. Slovak Christmas carol is “koleda“: